2024 Accomplishments

Garden Seed Project

Ellen Kodis mailed 50 boxes of seed packets to community gardens, food banks, and public libraries. She’d mailed 53 boxes earlier making our total distribution at least 120 boxes.

Larry McClure kept the Tualatin Library supplied with packets. On March 15 we delivered two large garbage bags of veggies, a smaller bag of herbs, and a box of flower seeds. Fifteen days later they had only four packets left. So we made two more deliveries.

Lilly Anderson helped two Portland Community College students with a GIS (graphical information system) project. Lilly calculated that 17,000 plants could be grown from the packets in a single box. The students created a video to illustrate the impact of our project over the years.
                  These children from the Beaverton Chinese Charter school were terrific helpers
Published in the 2024 Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Business Directory
Sad News  In July Bi-Mart notified us that they would no longer donate packets due to “supply chain changes.”  Larry contacted seed companies and stores. We’ve received a small quantity of packets from Burpee, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Ed Hume, and Territorial. Just enough to give out at our Seeds and Bees event.