2023 has been a busy and productive year for Winona Grange.
Seeds and Bees

Our spring event attracted 171 community members, 33 of which were children. A $250 grant from Awesome Portland Foundation funded materials to build mason bee houses. A $500 donation from the Lee H. and Marion B. Thompson Foundation of Wilsonville covered the cost of seedlings. Speakers were from the Soil and Water Conservation District, Master Gardeners, and Oregon Bee Atlas. The afternoon concluded with everyone making their own ice cream sundae.
Garden Seed Project

Ellen Kodis mailed 90 boxes of seed packets to other Granges, community gardens, food banks, and public libraries. Larry McClure coordinated packet give aways at the Tualatin Library. In August Sam Keator went to Eugene to get two pallets of packets that Bi-Mart’s stores didn’t sell. On September 23, 30 adults and six children sorted packets. The following Saturday 36 adults and two children packed boxes. Most of the volunteers were from Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District’s 17 community gardens.
Harvest Festival

On October 14, 88 children and their parents enjoyed our Harvest Festival. Pumpkin decorating was a hit as were the Pie Promenade, Harvest Trivia Contest, and Sing Along with the Encore Vocal Ensemble. Amy of Wachlin Farms made a video on farming that played before activities started upstairs. That event also concluded with ice cream sundaes.
Prizes were donated by Nothing Bundt Cakes, Hungry Heroes, Red Berry Barn, Tigard-Tualatin Aquatic Center, Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, Family Fun Center, Oaks Amusement Park, Tigard Bowl, and the World Forestry Center.
Community Service: Kay Gooding suggested that we recycle TP rolls, egg cartons, calendars, and craft supplies. She takes to teachers and nursing homes. She got Marshalls to give us a good price on coats and hoodies for students at the Community Transitional School in Portland. Norm Parker took 500 pounds of food donated by members and renters to the Tualatin Food Pantry. Connie Stauffer distributed 42 dictionaries to two classes of 3rd graders at MITCH Charter School.
Chamber AM Networking: Attendance was low the day we hosted due to a conflict with another Chamber event, but five members greeted guests, the downstairs was nicely decorated, our food was tasty, and Loyce Martinazzi and others supplied great door prizes.
Scholarship: Executive Committee member Cyndy Hillier presented our $2,500 scholarship to Kelly Tejeda Castellanos, a 2023 Tualatin High School graduate. The scholarship was funded by members’ donations and overpayments on shipping seed boxes.
Hall Maintenance: We purchased more molded plastic folding chairs and found takers for our old metal chairs. Energy Trust of Oregon converted lights throughout our building to LEDs.
Members: Sadly, we draped our charter for Lloyd Gooding, Beverly Herrold Hall (months shy of being a 50-year member), and Darrell Dickson (a 74-year member).
Officers for 2024-2025

President Marilyn Reiher
Ceres Dinah Larsen
Treasurer & Executive Committee member Jo Ayers
Vice President Connie Stauffer
Secretary Larry McClure
Executive Committee member Norm Parker
Lecturer Loyce Martinazzi
Executive Committee member Cyndy Hillier
Looks like this group plans to have fun!
As you can see, Winona Grange is continuing to fulfill our mission. We hope you’ll continue to support our efforts! We welcome your suggestions.